Ways to Optimize the Loading Time of your Website | BlazeDream

The speed of loading a website is very important for both your users and search engines. Every businessmen wants his or her website exit rates to diminish and conversion rates to be increased and studies prove that loading speed is a crucial factor for increasing one's conversion rate! It definitely makes sense to increase your web page's load speed as much as possible, because it is something not just important for SEO but also for your UX. Here's what to do and where to take action to make your site faster. 

Locate Bottlenecks
Modern browsers – Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer are equipped with tools that allow to measure the loading times of each element of the web page. Such tools can provide you with detailed information about each component, view its size in KB or know the loading time in milliseconds. By doing such analysis you can identify the heaviest elements and also enable you to take alternative solutions. 

Optimize Images
We can optimize the performance of your website by choosing the right format -  JPEG, GIF and PNG. To understand what is the best format for a certain image we have to analyze the type of image. If the image contains many colors, spread gradually, with detailed nuances, we can probably reduce its size by saving it in JPEG format. ,on the other hand the image is simpler - composed of bars, graphs, diagrams or symbols with a few well-defined colors then a PNG format might be appropriate.

Minimize Redirects
Generally online users expect a website to load within 2 seconds. So in order to achieve such speed, reduce the number of redirects in your website, since many redirects can create additional HTTP requests and ultimately result in slowing down your website speed. 

Do Mobile First
More than 85% of internet users are mobile users today. They access their mobile phones for shopping and accessing websites on a day to day basis. So in this case its important that you Optimize your website for mobile first. Focus your information and designs on mobile screen sizes and also try to include images of lower dimensions in your website. 

Use a Preloader
Buffering can be really annoying at the time of using a website. Fetching images in your website at the moment of loading your web page can cause a bad user experience. To avoid such delay and ensure your visitors have a great experience preload images early rather than later.
